Working with Pointers

Written by and (C) 1999 Daniel Kovacs


This document is designed to give the reader a basic understanding of pointers, what they are and what they do. It is assumed that the reader has a basic knowledge of C or C++, and access to a compiler.

What is a pointer?

Variables in a program can be compared with boxes that are never empty. They always contain some value, either values stored by the user or values from initialization that the operating system did not clear. All variables have at least 2 attributes: The value being stored in the variable and it's location in memory. This content can be any datatype; int, char, long, float, double or compound structures created by the programmer. Also, a variable can hold the address of another variable. This is called a pointer. Pointers are auxilliary variables that allow indirect access to other variables. Pointers are analogous to road signs leading you to a location or to a slip of paper which has an address written down. They are simply variables leading to variables.

Pointer declaration:

Let's declare some integer variables:

	int k, *p;

Suppose we where to store the value 15 into k. The instruction looks like this: k = 15. Now, if you look in k, you will find the following:

The declaration for *p might look a little strange. The asterisk (*) just before p tells the compiler you want a "pointer to an integer". Now you have a space to put the address of an integer into. The address operator in C and C++ is the ampersand (&). Let's put the address of K into P.

	p = &k;

Once this is done, p will point to the variable k. Anything you do to p you will be doing to k. Now, suppose we execute the following code:

	*p = 20;

Since p points to k, nothing in p was changed, rather k was set to the value 20. Pretty easy stuff, eh?

Pointer Arithemetic

You can do arithmetic on pointers in the same way as you do arithmetic on variables, the results will be a bit different. Incrementing pointers will result in the pointer pointing to the next element in memory. Decrementing pointers will do the opposite. This is really useful when you are working with arrays. Suppose we have a vector of integers and a pointer to that vector:

	long numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
	long *pnum;

	pnum = numbers;

By default, pnum will point to the first element in the array (in this case *pnum = 10). Incrementing pnum (pnum++ - without the pointer symbol) will result in *pnum = 20. Do this again and *pnum = 30. Do it two more times and *pnum = 50. This is known as "indirect addressing". It is interesting to know that the compiler will decide exactly how much is added to pnum - depending on the compiler and type of system you are using (some systems define "long" numbers as 32-bit, others as 64-bit), different numbers will be added to increment the address. You never have to worry about not moving the whole distance.

To access the value pointed at, you need to de-reference the pointer. To do this, place the asterisk (*) in front of the pointer:

	*pnum = 12;

Now, the location pointed to by pnum contains 12. If you don't use the indirection operator, you can theoretically make pnum point to location 12 in memory (worked on my Commodore 64).


- A pointer stores the location of a variable, not it's value.
- The asterisk (*) (called the 'indirection operator') is used to declare a pointer and access it's contents.
- The ampersand (&) operator (called the 'address operator') is used to retreive the address of a variable
- If you changed the contents of a variable through indirection, you will actually be changing the contents of the variable itself.
- With pointer arithemetic, an increment adds the number of bytes of the datatype to the pointer, causing it to point to the next location in memory.
- Decrementing a pointer causes the opposite effect of incrementing it. Be warned: you can overshoot your target!

This should give you a good basic understanding of how pointers work. Now you are ready to proceed to Singly Linked Lists. If you need more information, there are several good books I can reccomend: The C Programming Language (Brian Kernigan and Dennis Ritche) and ANSI C Compendium (a textbook I used in high-school). The first book was written by the designers of the C language, and it is about the best. The second one is good also; it contains a good introduction to object-oriented programming.

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Written by and (C) 1999 Daniel Kovacs